Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Problem Of Homelessness Among Veterans - 1566 Words
Homelessness among veterans is a highly disregarded issue that doesn’t seem to be improving on its own. In many cases, homelessness is out of the veteran’s control, so the question that is being asked is; why so many veterans are homeless and what can everyone, including the veterans, can do about this significant and overlooked problem. This question is essential to finding the solution since it looks at this situation from both sides of the problem: It not only finds ways that the noncombatants can help, but it also looks towards what veterans can do to make themselves better off in the long run. There are numerous subtopics that could be examined, but in order to make this analysis narrow, the first issue will discuss the problem of homelessness among veterans. After that, there will be an exploration of what one city did to eliminate homelessness. Following that, we’ll analyze what civilians and veterans can do about this problem, and lastly, we’ll debate restrictions to these solutions. Homelessness among veterans is a problem that will not get better on its own, and it’s up to our society as a whole to do something about it. When looking at a homeless person, there’s a high possibility that he/she served her country. The article Do Homeless Veterans Have The Same Needs And Outcomes A s Non-Veterans? had a really blunt and shocking fact about the homeless veteran population. Dr. Jack Tsai stated, â€Å"Veterans represent 11% of the adult civilian population, but 26% ofShow MoreRelatedHomelessness Is A Problem Of Homelessness1610 Words  | 7 PagesHomelessness is a monster. Each day, there are people on the streets suffering from homelessness. These unsheltered people litter the streets, and plead for help. There are different types of homelessness, but the most monstrous is chronic. 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