Sunday, January 19, 2020
Bullying: Victim and Researchers Essay
I. Introduction Bullying is one of the major problems that our students are facing. In CIC’s Guidance Office and even in the Office of the Student’s Affairs (OSA) many of the students have reported different cases of bullying. Some students do not go in the said offices but instead they would prefer to relay such incidents to their teachers. Some go directly to the Principal’s Office along with their parents or guardians. One good attestation and observation, a high school student who feels superior tends to bully students in the lower years. This student asks some students from lower years to do his assignment. Sometimes he drives the student’s confidence down. The freshmen and some students of different year levels are afraid of this student. In order for this student to succeed in his studies or get high grade he would force others to do his projects. Hence, he looks for weaker student that he may over power in order for him to be famous or be regarded as someone influ ential. The victim loses his focus in school because of the threat brought by this bully. Sometimes he would not attend his classes and increase tendency of failing his academic subjects. Such scenario has been a recurring phenomenon in the school environment. Numerous studies have been made in the past as part of a continuous attempt to understand human behavior in its entirety. At present, however, bullying has been regarded a typical happening in schools and less attention is given to it or none at all. Although bullying may seem a minor concern in the research locale of this study, which is the school, it undermines most students who are simply afraid to speak up about it. According to Encarta Dictionary, bullying is the process of intimidating or mistreating somebody weaker or in a vulnerable situation. Cases of physical, sexual, emotional, even spiritual abuse may be considered as bullying (Ouimet, 2011). Bullying may also be described as Rankism or discriminatory towards others because of their rank in a particular hierarchy. (Fuller, 2003) Bullying is an action which uses negative words against someone which causes distress to the one who is being bullied. Moreover, the victim may lead to anxiety, low self-esteem, hopelessness and worst develop suicidal tendencies (Oliver et al., 2003). Bullying may also cause students’ absenteeism or particularly their less engagement in school. In one scenario, a higher year student has a project in one of his subjects. For this student to accomplish the project, he threatens a lower year student verbally to do it for him and finish it as soon as possible. If the victim would not comply with the oppressor’s demand, the oppressor will beat up the lower year student ruthlessly. However, the victim is also busy with his studies and it’s difficult for the victim to do the oppressor’s demand at the same time. Since, he could not do the oppressor’s demand; the victim will not go to school because he is afraid to be beaten up. These findings have encouraged the researchers to conduct a further study in a specific place where such cases are often occurring, the school. In relation to our study, Ken Seeley, EdD et al. (2009) of the National Center for School Engagement conducted a research on peer victimization or also known as Bullying. Their study tells that bullying is not direct cause of students’ absenteeism or low school achievement. However, Bullying results in the victim becoming less engaged in school and cease attending classes. Seeley focused on the effects and ultimate outcomes of bullying not just whether raw bullying numbers decrease, but whether the ever-present victims of bullying go on to college or to crime. Their research was also designed to assess the role of victimization frequency and intensity in determining how much school a student misses. Additionally, their study reveals a connection between bullying and school engagement. Bullying had a negative impact with school engagement, so the more a student was victimized, the less the student was engaged at school. The authors concluded that bullying greatly influences the student’s engagement in school that the more occurrence of peer victimization the less the student attend his/her class. Statement of the Problem: What does bullying really give? Does it really give happiness to the oppressor? How about the victims? Do they feel the same way too? These are the questions raised by the researchers upon seeing the rampant cases of bullying. In this study, the researchers come up with a major question in their research: * How can we lessen the rampant cases of bullying in CIC High school Department? In addition, the researchers have minor questions in the said topic: * What are the major causes of bullying in CIC High School Department? * In what way can bullying threaten CIC High School Students’ lives? Significance of the Study: The purpose of this paper is to lessen the influence of bullying not only in CIC High School Department but also in other departments and other schools where cases of bullying are rampant. Information regarding bullying will help students to cope up with it accordingly. This paper will help those students who experience bullying to regain their self-esteem and to have a better social life. It will also serve as an eye-opener for students who are unaware of their actions which may be considered as bullying towards their fellow students. This work will give knowledge to the readers about what bullying really is and a clear vision about the effects of bullying in every individual’s life. Subsequently, this study will be beneficial to the oppressors of bullying that they may use the knowledge to avert the intensifying cases of bullying. It will give victims of bullying understanding and awareness on what they need to do if they are facing this problem. Scope and Delimitation: One aspect covered by this research is the social life of the high school students in the school environment in relation to the various effects brought by bullying. This, in particular, includes how victims of bullying as well as the oppressors relate and interact with fellow students, peers and their teachers. In addition, the study focuses on the academic life of the high school students on how they perform in class and in different activities in the school. This refers to the grades of the students who have experienced acts of bullying and also of the oppressors. II. METHOD Method of Research: In this section, the study presents the computations concerning the population of the respondents using the Slovin’s Formula as well as the study’s data and the process of how it was gathered. For the questionnaires used in the survey, the researchers adapt the instrument known as Likert Scale. Moreover, the researchers discuss the statistical treatment on how the students respond in the survey questionnaires. Since Bullying involves human behavior which needs psychological explanation, the researchers employ Descriptive-Status Method in tackling this topic. This method will help the researchers to easily obtain answers and solutions to the problem. Moreover, the method will help the researchers to make a more understandable and manageable approach to the topic as it will provide clearer explanations to the target aspects of the study. This method will aid the readers to easily comprehend the data and information discussed in the study. Samples and Sampling Procedures The researchers employ Purposive Sampling design since it is most suitable with the research. Purposive Sampling design, also known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling, is a type of non-probability sampling technique. Non-probability sampling focuses on sampling techniques where the units that are investigated are based on the judgment of the researcher. Moreover, the researchers used the Slovin’s Formula to get the Number of Respondents allotted in each year level. Table 1: The Total Population of Different levels of the High School Students of the College of the Immaculate Conception and the Number of Respondents computed using Slovin’s Formula. Year Level| Total Population(Number of Students) Data Gathering Procedures: The researchers composed questionnaires whereby the respondents are asked to answer a set of questions by means of rating depending on their level of agreement or disagreement. The questions concern the effects of bullying in every student’s studies. The researchers enquire answers to come up with a conclusion regarding to the study. The questionnaires are distributed to the different year levels of respondents. Description of the Instrument: In this study, the researchers used the questionnaire made of a Likert Scale to gather necessary data and information. The scale is named after its inventor, a psychologist named Rensis Likert. Likert Scale is also known as rating scale that the respondents specify their level of agreement or disagreement on a symmetric agree-disagree scale for a series of statements. Thus, the scale captures the intensity of the student’s feeling for a given item. Construction and Validation of the Instruments: The researchers have undergone brainstorming and revisions in order to have a final survey. The researchers used a survey as the instrument of the study .Suggestions and comments were raised by the English critics and Statistician upon seeing the draft of the survey. However the instrument undergone a lot of revisions and the researchers took the suggestions of the English critics for the researchers to have an official instrument. The instrument was finalized and polished by the researchers thus; the researchers reproduce the instrument and distributed upon the signal of the Research Adviser. Administration of the Instrument After the instrument has been approved by the experts, the researchers went through the reproduction of the questionnaires. Conclusions: In light of the above summary and findings, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. According to the respondents of this study, most of them are victims of bullying. Almost all of them are suffering from bullying and didn’t have the confidence to face the bullies. Based on the data gathered by the researchers, 69% respondents attest that they sometimes experience bullying in the school. As a result they almost lose all of their confidence in themselves but luckily there was God and their family to support them. 2. It only showed that most of the respondents moved on and the bullying was just a challenge, trial and inspiration to realize something more about life. It gave them a lesson in protecting and maintaining their bravery within themselves because it was a gift from God. And we must be ready at all times for such obstacles in life that might happen in the future. 3. We Filipinos still carry the good attitude of our ancestors which is shown a lot of times throughout our history. So instead of bullying others, how about we use this attitude to be united again not only within our city but also in the whole country. 4. The victims used a lot of strength to move on from the challenging event happened in their lives. For them, it was very hard to move on and to forget the tragedy they experienced because it almost destroyed their future but with the help of God, most of the victims realized that they still need to move on and face the reality to continue their lives and be thankful for surviving such event and their faith in God was strongly developed. 5. The lessons given by this research was to open the eyes of the victims who are suffering from this and to learn the different things to do to protect themselves. We must be prepared and be aware enough to such things as bullying. Some victims said that they realized the importance of not only themselves but also their family because they are the only ones left and served as inspiration to move on from the trials in life. 6. The victims have learned a lot and they have some suggestions to the school, to the community and to others. To the school, they should voice out the needs of the victims of the bullying. For the community and to others, they wanted to emphasize the importance of the family, to be strong, and faced the trials in life and do not give up. The victims did not lose hope to survive the battle because they believe in God and they pray to God. We must never forget God and ask for His goodness to guide and gives us strength in the trails we are facing. 7. No matter what end of the bullying we are on, we need to make sure that we are doing our part to prevent and stop this. Bullying is a serious matter, whether we like it or not. If we do not think that we can handle the situation on our own, there is no harm in asking for help. We can find help in a variety of places, even within our own family. Recommendations: These are some of the researchers’ recommendations after the findings and conclusions were made: 1. Bullying is a serious problem that can dramatically affect the ability of students to progress academically and socially. A comprehensive intervention plan that involves all students, parents, and school staff is required to ensure that all students can learn in a safe and fear-free environment. 2. Do not be a coward and try to face the challenges in our life. 3. Love ourselves and show the bullies that we have the strength to face them before it’s too late. 4. Instead of getting a revenge on the bully, try to show them that you’re not affected by this because the real weaklings here are the bullies. 5. Always be prepared through learning the different things to do when such difficulties happen in the future. 6. The guidance counselor and the Office of the Student Affairs must take action immediately when such event happens. 7. Through trials we face in life, do not forget to have faith in God and ask for His guidance, for our family to be always safe and secure. Lastly, be thankful for the life that He gave us. 8. The Government should take action to this problem by promoting an anti-bullying program not only to schools but also to our fellow countrymen.
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